Mercedes-Benz has achieved a significant milestone by obtaining permits for distinctive external marker lights designed for automated driving, making it the first automotive manufacturer worldwide to do so. These permits have been granted in the U.S. states of California and Nevada. In California, the exemption permit is specifically for testing vehicles and has an initial duration of two years. Meanwhile, the Nevada permit applies to Mercedes-Benz Model Year 2026 production vehicles.
These permits provide Mercedes-Benz with valuable insights into the dynamics between automated vehicles and other users on the road. The incorporation of marker lights is expected to substantially improve the public's acceptance of automated driving and contribute to overall road safety, as these lights visually indicate the status of the automated driving system on the vehicle's exterior.
Moreover, these marker lights enable law enforcement officers to identify the system's operational status, helping them determine whether drivers are allowed to engage in secondary activities during conditionally automated journeys. In California, the turquoise-coloured marker lights for automated driving are seamlessly integrated into the front and rear lights, as well as the two outer mirrors of Mercedes-Benz testing vehicles.
Initially, these automated driving marker lights will be featured in California testing vehicles equipped with DRIVE PILOT, the world's first SAE-Level 3 system for conditionally automated driving with internationally recognized type approval. DRIVE PILOT obtained certification in Germany in 2021 and in Nevada and California in 2023. Each state mandates separate certifications. Although DRIVE PILOT has been available for order in Germany since 2022, its first production vehicles in the U.S. recently made their debut on the highways of California and Nevada.
The choice of turquoise for the marker lights is based on two crucial criteria – its visibility enables rapid and reliable detection by other road users, and it provides differentiation from existing vehicle lighting and traffic signals, such as traffic lights or emergency lighting. This color choice aims to significantly reduce the likelihood of confusion with other existing lighting colors. Additionally, numerous test studies have shown that turquoise is the optimal color for automated driving.
Mercedes-Benz is committed to standardizing the use of turquoise to signify the automated driving state, promoting global understanding and acceptance of this technology. Currently, there is no universal framework in the U.S., China, or the UN-ECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) regarding the use of turquoise lights in production vehicles. The exemptions granted by California and Nevada mark an essential initial step, and Mercedes envisions a future globally harmonized regulation for turquoise marker lights, enhancing safety for all road users and driving further technological advancements.